There are many different vendors in Naples that offer a wide selection of tiles. This my personal favorite part of the design process as its the foundation for a remodel. There are literally thousands of…

There are many different vendors in Naples that offer a wide selection of tiles. This my personal favorite part of the design process as its the foundation for a remodel. There are literally thousands of…
Here at Elite Home Works, LLC we like to design/build with many of our clients that like to be hands on with their remodel. We’ve completed most of our projects in Naples and Marco Island in this fashion utilizing our design software and experience to create a space a client can say they designed themselves. Here are some benefits to the design/build process:
Theres one touch all kitchen renovations in Naples have that showcases their space, wether its a mansion in Port Royal, Duplex in Spanish wells, or a condo in Bonita Bay. Lighting. It’s a crucial element…